Research and Education
Human Health
RJL Quantum analyzers utilize bioelectrical impedance analysis to safely obtain reliable and accurate body composition data.
The portability and reliability of the Quantum Analyzer make it a first choice among researchers and educators worldwide. With the new focus on preventive lifestyle factor research, accurate body composition assessment again comes to the forefront, to help monitor changes over time.
RJL Quantum analyzers have been trusted by clinicians and researchers worldwide for over 30 years, and featured in over 1000 research articles and papers on human health.
School teachers and university professors frequently refer their students to our Online Interactive Body Composition Assessment tool. Students of all ages enjoy ‘learning what they’re really made of’, and gain a deeper respect for the body and related health issues.
How Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) works in assessing body composition.
A three minute video that uses a cucumber for a subject. Enjoy
Created and written
by Rudolph J. Liedtke 4 December 2023
Is the impedance index (ht2/R) significant in predicting total body water?
R F Kushner 1, D A Schoeller, C R Fjeld, L Danford
Assessment of fat-free mass using bioelectrical impedance measurements of the human body.
H C Lukaski, P E Johnson, W W Bolonchuk, G I Lykken
The Quantum V Segmental BIA in Guatemala
The links below is work done in Guatemala under the direction of Noel Solomon MD (CeSSIAM) by Brynne Burrows a native Californian and Timothy Mikulski an M.D. candidate at the Tufts University School of Medicine to study sarcopenia in the people of Santa María Chiquimula, Totonicapán, Guatemala a small high altitude village.
See page 68 of Brynne Burrows manuscript for segmental BIA results where the sum of appendicular LEAN SOFT TISSUE and FAT MASS equals 97.25 % of body weight for women and 96.36 % for men. Adding bone mineral content would be very close to actual body weight. This is a result of the Quantum V advanced calibration. The same RJL segmental BIA accuracy is illustrated on page 34 of Timothy Mikulski manuscript.
Animal and Environmental Health
Researchers from around the world trust RJL Quantum Analyzers to provide safe, reliable and accurate data for studies of all kinds. Measures of body fat, fat free mass, intracellular water, extracellular water, total body water, and more, have been gathered and utilized on horses, cows, cats, dogs, sheep, bear and fish, just to name a few.
RJL Systems also specializes in custom engineering of Quantum technology to meet unique needs and environmental factors, like one of its current applications researching thousands of fish of various species. BIA is also being used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to assess the energy density and composition of fish from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.

RJL BIA measures health markers in the Norwegian Arctic.
Researcher Jon Aars, pictured here in the Norwegian Arctic, utilizes RJL BIA to measure fat percentage changes in adult polar bears, and environmental factors related to hibernation.
Veterinarians are using Quantum Analyzers to determine the specific fat weight of dogs and cats in their practices. Others monitor the total body water, intracellular water and extracellular water levels of horses[1].
N.S. Latman Ph.D (West Texas A & M University) applied a BIA to deceased cattle, to help predict salable yield and trimmable fat weight, to possibly help justify its sale on an individual merit basis.