Health Practitioner


RJL Quantum analyzers utilize bioelectrical impedance analysis to gain safe, reliable and accurate body composition data for your patients.

Quantum Analyzers are registered with the FDA as a Class II Medical Device, and have been featured in over 1000 research articles and papers on human health. Accurate graphically-represented results help you devise specific strategies to get your patients to their goals – and keep them motivated. RJL Quantum analyzers have been trusted by clinicians and researchers worldwide for over 30 years.

It’s time we all knew the specific body composition data, instead of a general, simple number on the scale. Patients become much more motivated to make and sustain lifestyle changes when you can offer graphically-represented evidence of the actual changes occurring in specific and detailed body components.

The portability, safety and accuracy of the Quantum Analyzer make it a first choice among practitioners to track monitor patient progress.  MDs, DOs, NDs, DCs and NPs tell us that having access to professional and reliable body composition assessment is critical to the new focus on preventive lifestyle change practices.

Fitness and Wellness

RJL Quantum Analyzers use bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to give you the most safe, reliable and accurate body composition data available for your clients.

Clients know there’s more to the story than that number on the scale, and they want to work with someone who can show them RESULTS.  Clients are so much more motivated to make and sustain food and fitness changes when you have graphically-represented evidence of what is actually happening in the body.

Quantum Analyzers are registered with the FDA as a Class II Medical Device, but considered available for OTC (‘over the counter’) use.  Quantum Analyzers are portable and reliable, trusted by professionals and researchers around the globe, and have been featured in over 1000 research articles and papers on human health.

Having access to professional, safe and accurate body composition assessment allows you to get measurements on your clients and tweak your strategies as often as you’d like.

Whether you are working with a newbie or an elite athlete, the data is worth its weight in gold for your clients. Quantum Analyzers have been used by fitness professionals, trainers, military personnel, and YMCA organizations, just to name a few.

With Quantum BIA, you get body composition assessment data you need to help design specific strategies to get your clients to their goals – and keep them motivated.